Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’S)

Wits Human Research Ethics Committee – Medical

As the SOP’s are updated regularly please check this site for revisions.

  1. Policy Document (January 2025) - [POL-HREC-001v1] (PDF)
  2. HREC Approval (January 2025) - [SOP-HREC-001v1]: (PDF)
  3. Process for Recertification (January 2025) - [SOP-HREC-002v1]: (PDF)
  4. HREC Composition and Quorum (February 2025) - [SOP-HREC-003v1]: (PDF)
  5. Compliance Queries Deviations Violations (January 2025) - [SOP-HREC-004v1]: (PDF)
  6. Safety Reporting (January 2025) - [SOP-HREC-005v1]: (PDF)
  7. Amendments (January 2025) - [SOP-HREC-006v1]: (PDF)
  8. Study Reports (January 2025) - [SOP-HREC-007v1]: (PDF)
  9. FGD IDI AUDIO (January 2025) - [SOP-HREC-008v1]: (PDF)
  10. Good Clinical Practice (GCP) (January 2025) - [SOP-HREC-010v1]: (PDF)
  11. Transport Storage Future Research(January 2025) - Final version is still being finalised
  12. Ethics Training (January 2025) - [SOP-HREC-013v1]: (PDF)
  13. Social Media (January 2025) - [SOP-HREC-014v1]: (PDF)
  14. Human Research Ethics Committee Principles and Policy on Biobanks: This is dealt with by the Biobank Ethics Committee, a Subcommittee of the HREC (Medical) . For Application Forms for the approval of a Biobank/Storage/Retrieval/Transfer of HBM, please contact Ms Tanya Coetzee or Mr Rhulani Mkansi at: – 011 717 1252/2700/1234/2656 or by following this link