Integrated Health Delivery Network (IHDN)

IHDN has grown from being a small division within the WHC umbrella to become a standalone subsidiary with reputable services, capable staff and the ability to provide quality healthcare that is both professional and cost-effective. Going forward, IHDN aims to establish self-funding clinical platforms that will also play an important role in training and teaching medical teams to deliver vital support services.

Based on the model that saw WHC transform the ailing Kenridge Hospital into the successful Wits Donald Gordon Medical Centre, IHDN hopes to operate primary and tertiary healthcare centres that are financially viable and that run parallel to public health services, providing greater access to quality healthcare for South Africans. Innovate funding and operational models can be used to support academic and national health initiatives, both locally and, in the long-term, beyond South Africa’s borders.

Join ventures with companies, health departments and organisations to develop primary healthcare centres and to support these with skilled staff, training solutions and clinical trials are also envisaged. With specialist skills and experience, the IHDN has established a solid reputation as an effective provider of health services and the subsidiary is set to continue to expand its collaborative network and footprint.